the UK ice conditions server 2025
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Looking to the exit of Y gully, right branch
The upper section beyond the ice pitch
A simple descent today, with the Fiacaill ridge beyond
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Heading home!
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:: Route(s)
'Hidden Chimney' & 'Goat Track Gully' Sneachda
'Y Gully Right Branch' & 'Ventilator' Lochain
:: Route Grade
Not Applicable
:: Weather Conditions
Squally snow & graupel showers from N/NW, improving thru day
:: Climbing Conditions
'Hidden..' - wade up 'Slant', chimney pitch xellent
GT Gully - short,sweet ice pitch!
'Ventilator' - wrong 'turn' taken up short groove;downclimbed & finished up perfect neve in 'The Vent'
Y Gully - pick of the day! Sweet, sweet neve & perfect steep finish with no cornice!
:: Climbers
Da Kishman
This report was posted by Da kishman at 19.29hrs on Thu 17th May 12